Female.The disc or cart is male. Are consoles Male or FeMale?
I dont think their either
They're soulless machines. Think of them as persons and it'll make it harder for you when they break.
PS2: femalePS3: malePSP: Their childeren
[QUOTE=''Black_Knight_00'']They're soulless machines. Think of them as persons and it'll make it harder for you when they break.[/QUOTE]...yes. Breaking up is always tough. My PS2 and I are pretty happy together though...we really haven't fought since we played DMC 3. That was a bad time...
I'm male and my 360 is too because its loud and pisses me off. my ps2 is female because its like a wife we fight once in a while and get along other times no need for the lawyer yet
I guess the Wii is my wife then, because I don't play her at all.
uh... i guess i never thought of if a system was male or female. lol. i have no idea what id even consider them. id really have to think about it
[QUOTE=''Mehdi-Y'']PS2: femalePS3: malePSP: Their childeren[/QUOTE]ps2: maleps3: femalepsp: little cute children (who need to eat all the time because of the short playtime you have with one charge)
[QUOTE=''xmitchconnorx'']Female.The disc or cart is male. [/QUOTE]I agree.
I like to think that my brother's ps2 (which I play more than him...) is a female. Like, one of those stereo-typical pop-girls who walk around in fashion clothing and rants all the time and gets drunk on worknights! It tends to annoy me greatly and it gets it revenge on me by making the games I play run slowly/freeze/something that is a sign of Ragnarok, soooo I think I might have to start saving for a Wii, which is male to me =p(wonder WHY! ;D)
I can say that game boys are male.
[QUOTE=''vlin1108'']I guess the Wii is my wife then, because I don't play her at all.[/QUOTE]Best Post Ever :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
[QUOTE=''xmitchconnorx'']Female.The disc or cart is male. [/QUOTE]:lol: Another goodun
Tough call, but if my Wii and my PS3 were ****ing, I'm pretty sure the Wii would be the one taking it, ironically.
ps2: maleps3: femalePSP: he/sheps1: he/shexbox and xbox 360: malesgamecube: he/shewii: a lady:oops:
PS2 is definitely female. Gave lot of trouble!!! but at the end it worked and we had fun together ;)PS3 is a MACHO!!!!! Its STRONG!PS1 is Bisexual o_oand my N64 is Male but not 100% lol.
What a werid discussion. I've never picked up my consoles and looked underneath so I don't know what gender they are.
I'll go as far as calling a console ''sexy-lookin''. But I'll never refer to a console as a ''he'' or ''she'' >_>
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