Mega Drive is the official name of the system worldwide with the exception of North America (US, Mexico, Canada) where the system was called ''Genesis'' mainly because SEGA was unable to use the name due to copyrights issues In South America though, the system kept it's original Mega Drive name.
The Mega-CD and Super 32-X are add-on attachment systems that plug into the Mega Drive system.There are also other systems such as the Multi-Mega or Wonder Mega that served as a Mega Drive + Mega-CD all in one. How does the old Sega all in one thing w ...
I remember being in a gameshop onetime and they had a Sega CD there that looked like a DVD player or something.
[QUOTE=''e3li7e'']I remember being in a gameshop onetime and they had a Sega CD there that looked like a DVD player or something.[/QUOTE]That's most likely the Pioneer Laser Active:
[QUOTE=''Panzer_Zwei''][QUOTE=''e3li7e'']I remember being in a gameshop onetime and they had a Sega CD there that looked like a DVD player or something.[/QUOTE]That's most likely the Pioneer Laser Active:
Looks like a nice piece of kit, but can the TurboGrafx/PC-Engine add-on play that system's CD games?
Hey ya all, It's called the Sega CDX. I had one and it was GREAT! Portable, plays sega cd's, audio cd's and genesis games. Awesome little system regardless of the fact that the Sega CD selection of games is puny. I highly recommend this just plain R-O-C-K-S!!!
[QUOTE=''NamelessPlayer''] Looks like a nice piece of kit, but can the TurboGrafx/PC-Engine add-on play that system's CD games?[/QUOTE]Nope. :([QUOTE=''Joystick_n_hand'']Hey ya all, It's called the Sega CDX. I had one and it was GREAT! Portable, plays sega cd's, audio cd's and genesis games. Awesome little system regardless of the fact that the Sega CD selection of games is puny. I highly recommend this just plain R-O-C-K-S!!!*pic* [/QUOTE]That's the Multi-Mega in the rest of the world. But it's not very recommended because of it's relatively weak laser drive durability. It even has some compatibilty issues with some games like Lunar: Eternal Blue.The Mega-CD selection of games is great, actually.
I was about to say ''I've gotta get myself one of those CDXs!'' until Panzer_Zwei mentioned frail disc drives and ESPECIALLY Lunar incompatibilities. I have a few reasons to get a Sega CD, and Lunar: Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue are at the top.
(Yes, I know that both games have Complete remakes on the PS1 and the Saturn. No, I'm not playing them because SSS Complete screwed around with the storyline, and EB Complete didn't go along with SSS Complete's story changes.)
[QUOTE=''NamelessPlayer'']I was about to say ''I've gotta get myself one of those CDXs!'' until Panzer_Zwei mentioned frail disc drives and ESPECIALLY Lunar incompatibilities. I have a few reasons to get a Sega CD, and Lunar: Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue are at the top. (Yes, I know that both games have Complete remakes on the PS1 and the Saturn. No, I'm not playing them because SSS Complete screwed around with the storyline, and EB Complete didn't go along with SSS Complete's story changes.)[/QUOTE]I have the remakes, but they don't compare to the original Mega-CD versions. More than half of the game's text was removed to accomodate the fancy anime FMVs. In the Mega-CD games almost all the time you talked to a town person he/she would tell you different stuff. The actual FMVs although obviously of a much higher quality than the archaic almost still cinematics of the 16-bit CD-ROM systems, I felt they were directed very poorly.The remakes came out first on the Saturn and were ported like 2 years later to the Playstation when most people (in Japan or importers anyway) that were interested in the games probably already played them and were done with them. Like it was the case with other Saturn RPGs like Gradia and Soul Hackers.Grandia and Lunar were actually better on the Saturn. Lunar even had a special MPEG version that required the Saturn MPEG cart to play. But featured high quality full-screen MPEG quality FMVs. Grandia on the Playstation suffered from bad sound, slowdown and some missing frames of animation.
Jeez Panzer your like a Sega history expert lol. Thanks for the info dude! I like how you mark out big for Sega though really!
No doubt it has a weak is pretty small. I enjoyed it though. For the fact that it played the genesis games alone! You are right...the selection is actually quite large for the sega cd. At the time though, when I had it, I didn't have access to Japan only games. The choices I had then was pretty much Sonic , Night Trap and a few others. Thanks for schooling me...
The Angry Video Game Nerd speaks of the Sega CD thingy.
[QUOTE=''Joystick_n_hand'']No doubt it has a weak is pretty small. I enjoyed it though. For the fact that it played the genesis games alone! You are right...the selection is actually quite large for the sega cd. At the time though, when I had it, I didn't have access to Japan only games. The choices I had then was pretty much Sonic , Night Trap and a few others. Thanks for schooling me...[/QUOTE]There are some very good Japanese-only Mega-CD games, however there are also a lot of great games that were released in the west. Here are some of them, all were released outside of Japan:
- Dark Wizard
- Dennin Aleste
- Keio Flying Squadron
- Lords of Thunder
- Bari-Arm
- Silpheed
- Heart of the Alien
- Final Fight CD
- Third World War
- Sonic CD
- Shining Force CD
- Eternal Champions
- Lunar: The Silver Star
- Lunar: Eternal Blue
- Vay
- Dungeon Explorer
- Popful Mail
- The Space Adventure Cobra
- Snatcher
- Rise of the Dragon
- Switch!
- The Adventures of Willy Beamish
- Earth Worm Jim: Special Edition
- Wing Commander
- The Secret of Monkey Island
- Ecco the Dolphin CD
- Ecco the Dolphin 2: The Tides of Time
For Japan-only games:
- The Heroic Legend of Arslan
- Magical Girl Silky Lip
- Illusion City
- Shadowrun
- Seima Densetsu 3x3 Eyes
- Captain Tsubasa
- Yumimi Mix
- Urusei Yatsura: My Dear Friends
- Nostalgia 1907
- Night Striker
- Ranma 1/2: Byakuran Aika
- Mega Schwarzschild
- Game no Kanzume Vol. 2
Just so you all know, the Japanese Mega CD version of Shadowrun is NOT the same as the cartridge version of Shadowrun that we did get, and neither are the same as the SNES version. They do take place in the same fictional universe, but the gameplay is very different between them.
Also, looking over that list reminds me-did I ever PM you about Popful Mail? My interest in it spiked after reading [url=]this HG101 article[/url]. The only question here is whether you prefer the PC-Engine Super CD or the Sega CD version (though I'll probably have to go with the latter regardless since it's the only official English version).
[QUOTE=''NamelessPlayer'']Just so you all know, the Japanese Mega CD version of Shadowrun is NOT the same as the cartridge version of Shadowrun that we did get, and neither are the same as the SNES version. They do take place in the same fictional universe, but the gameplay is very different between them. Also, looking over that list reminds me-did I ever PM you about Popful Mail? My interest in it spiked after reading [url=]this HG101 article[/url]. The only question here is whether you prefer the PC-Engine Super CD or the Sega CD version (though I'll probably have to go with the latter regardless since it's the only official English version).[/QUOTE]I wouldn't really consider them versions of the same game really. The PC-Engine game is a port of the original Falcom PC game, while the Mega-CD game was developed from the ground up by SEGA and is more akin to their Monster World series. Although you could say the theme of the game is the same, the gameplay focus itself is very different. The PC-Engine plays like most Japanese PC games played back in the day. That means that there's no attack button, you just push yourself torwards the enemy to attack. I do have both games, and I still don't know why it is an Arcade Super CD-ROM game on the PC-Engine. In any case, the Mega-CD game is vastly superior.
Speaking of Monster World, it's a series I don't know much about (other than the second MW/third WB game), and I keep mixing it up with Wonder Boy for some reason. Could you educate me a bit here?
([url=]This HG101 article[/url] suggests that despite the different titles, they're essentially the same series. No wonder I keep confusing the two.)
the dvd player looking sega cd that you saw was more than likely not anything made by pioneer, it was probably a sega cd. there were two versions of the sega cd as there were two official versions of the genesis (3 actually, but only 2 made by sega).the first model genesis was long and had a volume knob and headphone jack, the sega cd that was it's companion went underneath it and had a drive like a 1st gen ps2 or xbox, these proved to be problematic though and when the genesis was redesigned so was the sega cd, to the clamshell one that we are more familiar with.that cdx is a dandy piecce of machinery also, it's only drawback is that it is not whatsoever compatible with a 32x, but most would not find that as a drawback. aside from being able to play your genesis and sega cd games, you can also use it as a mobile cd player and it even plays back-ups of your sega cd games without the need for a mod chip, which is great because those games are hard to find nowadays and should be kept in the best possible condition.
it could have also been a jvc x-eye...
I've always wanted to play Vay, but I was too young to be able afford the Sega CD.I never realised that the Lunar remakes skimped out on text. That sucks, but I still enjoy them :P
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