[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]Zelda 2 wtf moment
It's a classic. Maybe it was some kind of insider joke of the programmers.
THE PALACE HAS A FALSE WALL.If you're playing it for the first time, you're in for a ****ing fantastic game.
[QUOTE=''Fortier''] THE PALACE HAS A FALSE WALL.If you're playing it for the first time, you're in for a ****ing fantastic game. [/QUOTE]That and a really, really difficult game. :(
haha yea i just got it today it was like 9.00$ so i got it along with the first one for like 3.00$
Of all the Zeldas I own, this is the only one I haven't beaten.
[QUOTE=''Chrono66'']Of all the Zeldas I own, this is the only one I haven't beaten.[/QUOTE]
same...it's so freakin hard
Of all the Zeldas I've owned (Zelda 1, 2, LttP, GB, GBC, OoT, WW) this is the only one I have beaten and it is easily my favorite Zelda game. That said, it took me at least a year to beat it as a young lad IIRC.
It's a great game with difficult almost Ghosts'n'Goblins like sidescrolling action.
[QUOTE=''fiercedeity901''][QUOTE=''Chrono66'']Of all the Zeldas I own, this is the only one I haven't beaten.[/QUOTE] same...it's so freakin hard[/QUOTE] Same... I got to the thunder dude before the shadow and never could get past there growing up. And all I remember it took forever to get there and I don't have the patience now to bring out the game and struggle through it again... even though it is just sitting up in a crate in the attic.... maybe when my 360 RRODs I'll take the time
Hmm... I beat this game back in the early 90's. Error is the guy's name, and he'll give you some info later when someone tells you that Error is the person you need to ask about... something.
Not many people liked the side scrolling Zelda II game. I loved it, it's got epic moments, some memorials musical scores, and striaght fun gameplay. I HATED the freaking flying cyclopic eye things. Man they would destroy you soooo fast!! Ya great game.
[QUOTE=''spazpol''][QUOTE=''fiercedeity901''][QUOTE=''Chrono66'']Of all the Zeldas I own, this is the only one I haven't beaten.[/QUOTE] same...it's so freakin hard[/QUOTE] Same... I got to the thunder dude before the shadow and never could get past there growing up. And all I remember it took forever to get there and I don't have the patience now to bring out the game and struggle through it again... even though it is just sitting up in a crate in the attic.... maybe when my 360 RRODs I'll take the time[/QUOTE] I stopped at the same boss too lol.
Am I the only one who thought Zelda 2 was easier than the first one?
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Homeboy needed a bigger sword
That's his name, from engrish translation.''EYES OF GANON ARE EVERYWHERE, BE CAREFUL.''When you go to the magic-restoring old woman in hidden Kasuto.''HOW ABOUT THAT?'' I actually finished the game twice.
I remember the first time falling down that pit scared the hell out of me, lol. Zelda 2 has always been my favorite in the series.
[QUOTE=''N8A'']Homeboy needed a bigger sword[/QUOTE]That's what she said!!! LOL OH NO I DIDN'T!!! o_Obut yeah, It looked like he was wielding a butterknife for a weapon. :|
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