Bad News Baseball should definitely be on the list. Best baseball game on the NES hands-down.Your Top 25 NES games of all time.
1942MetroidMike Tyson's Punch OutTrack %26 FieldRiver City RansomTrack %26 Field IIMetal Gear SolidStriderSuper Mario Brothers 1,2,%263RamboBoth G.I. Joe gamesTecmo BowlTecmo SuperbowlCastlevaniaCastlevania 2ContraSuper CKid IcarusLegend of ZeldaNinja Gaiden I,II,%26IIILife ForceLegendary WingsGradiusRygarGauntletThat's a little more than 25.
My faves, in no order:
Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II
Baseball Stars
Pro Wrestling
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Blaster Master
Ninja Gaiden
R.C. Pro-Am
Castlevania II
Tecmo Bowl
Life Force
Side Pocket
Bases Loaded
Double Dragon
Duck Tales
Metal Gear
Track %26 Field
Double Dribble
Bionic Commando
Blades of Steel
I went over 25 but oh well.
in no particular order:metroid
super mario bros.
the goonies II
the legend of zelda
river city ransom
super mario bros. 3
kung fu
elevator action
double dragon
double dribble
blades of steel
pro wrestling
tecmo super bowl
rad racer
kid icarus
mega man 3
ghosts and goblins
blaster master
teenage mutant ninja turtles
casino kid
mike tyson's punch out!!
Let's see. ~ de arimasuBatman: The Videogame
Ballon Fight
Dick Tracy
Double Dribble
Dragon Warrior
Duck Hunt
Final Fantasy
Ice Climbers
Kirby's Adventure
Legend of Kage
Ninja Gaiden
Punch Out!
River City Ransom
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Yoshi's Cookie
- RBI Baseball
- Punchout
- Mario 3
- Legend of Zelda
- Contra
- Castlevania
- Metroid
- Battletoads
- Double Dragon 2
- River City Ransom
- Excite Bike
- Marble Madness
- Dodge Ball
- The Adventures of Lolo
- Duck Tales
- Paper Boy
- Tengen Tetris
- Galaga
- Baseball Stars
- World Cup
- Tecmo Bowl
- Ninja Gaiden
- Ninja Turtles Arcade
- California Games
- Jackal
This is a list from my personal collection. I'm sure people will have different games, but these 25 have been a staple of what a solid starting point would be for a Nes collection. Good Luck!
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- The Legend of Zelda
- Super Mario Bros. and 3
- Castlevania: Simon's Quest
- Megaman 2 and 3
- Paperboy
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
- Wizards and Warriors III
- Spy vs Spy(Good for multiplayer)
- Metroid
- Ninja Gaiden
- Contra
- Kirby's Adventure
- Final Fantasy(Though you may want to get one of the many remakes instead.)
- Deja Vu
- Tetris
- Micro Machines
- StarTropics
- Adventures of Lolo
- Bionic Commando
- Dragon Warrior
- Bubble Bobble
- Punch Out!!
- Metal Gear
Some of my favorites. I kept it to one from a given series. Bionic Commando
Blaster Master
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania III
Dragon Warrior III
Duck Tales
The Guardian Legend
The Legend of Zelda
Life Force
Mega Man 2
Metal Gear
Nobunaga's Ambition
Punch Out!
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Super Bowl
Wall Street Kid
Wizards and Warriors
*points to signature* .....Nope sorry. I tried to slim down my list to 25 but thats freaking stupid. There are more than 25 really good games. And I have a really hard time saying one game is better than another. Fun is fun.
CrystalisThe Legend of ZeldaSuper Mario Bros 3Tengen TetrisDragon Warrior 2-3, I do not have DW 4 yet. I will get Dragon Quest IV DS.Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong JrDuck HuntHogan's AlleySuper V'Ball SpikeSuper DodgeballRiver City RansomSuper Mario BrosMetroidRescue Rangers
lol it can be a challenge just to name 25.Castlevania 1Super mario 3Zelda 2 Link's adventureZeldaMario brosKrusty's fun houseSuper Mario 2MetroidIce ClimbersMegaman 3Megman 2Chrips N DaleDuck HuntKirby's Dream CourseSimpsons
home alone 2 is fun or ff1 friday the 13th is cool
K these are my top 25 favourites in no order:
- Gauntlet
- Ninja Gaiden
- Rygar
- Kid Icarus
- Metroid
- Contra
- Crystalis
- Galaga
- Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
- Zelda 2: Link's Adventure
- The Legend Of Zelda
- Gauntlet 2
- MegaMan
- MegaMan 2
- MegaMan 3
- MegaMan 4
- MegaMan 5
- Duck Hunt
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- Super Mario bros The Lost Levels
- Super Mario Bros. 3
- Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword Of Chaos
- Super C
- Final Fantasy
[QUOTE=''strategik_basic'']1942MetroidMike Tyson's Punch OutTrack %26 FieldRiver City RansomTrack %26 Field IIMetal Gear SolidStriderSuper Mario Brothers 1,2,%263RamboBoth G.I. Joe gamesTecmo BowlTecmo SuperbowlCastlevaniaCastlevania 2ContraSuper CKid IcarusLegend of ZeldaNinja Gaiden I,II,%26IIILife ForceLegendary WingsGradiusRygarGauntletThat's a little more than 25.[/QUOTE]Well I agree with the ones I put in bold. the others....not so sure. so that makes like 17. To add to that I'd say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (the arcade game), RC Pro-am, Cobra Triangle, Battletoads, Double Dragon, Top Gun, Paperboy, Spy Hunter.....thats all i can think of at the moment edit: oh and i just remembered Duck hunt is the best
thanks guys, it helps me alot im only building a collection of 25 games cuz i dont want 2 many, and this is supposed to last me foreva
In no order:1. Magician2. Power Blade 1 %26 23. Destiny of an emperor4. Adventures of Lolo 5. R.C Pro Am II6. Tetris (Tengen version)7. Wrecking Crew8. Mach Rider9. The Guardian Legend10. Wizards %26 Warriors 311. River City Ransom12. Gargoyle's Quest II13. Clash at Demonhead14. Conflict15. Startropics16. Startropics 2: Zoda's Revenge17. The Lone Ranger18. Metal Gear19. Rollerball20. The Legend of Zelda21. Dragon Warrior IV22. G.I. Joe23. Puzznic24. Galaxy 500025. Rygar
I'm not goin to put my top 25 in order, but these are some I think are the bestLegend of Zelda, Castlevania I %26 III, Ninja Gaiden II, G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor, Metroid, All the Mega Mans, Wizardy: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, Bubble Bobble I %26 2, Destiny of an Emperor, Jakal, Maniac Mansion, Shadowgate, River City RansomAll are great games, though some would be hard to find
1. Super Mario Bros.2. Legend of Zelda3. Super Mario Bros. 34. River City Ransom5. Kirby's Adventure6. Faxanadu7. Megaman 38. Megaman 29. Wario's Woods10. Metroid11. Excitebike12. Dr. Mario13. Battletoads and Double Dragon14. Punch-out 15. Contra16. Ducktales17. Battletoads18. Megaman19. Tecmo Bowl20. Final Fantasy21. Adventure Island 222. Gradius23. Castlevania24. Zelda II 25. Balloon Fight
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